Filing Fees & Other Fees

Most fees updated March 2nd, 2021 / AMV Fees updated February 27th, 2024

Civil Suits $105.00
(one service fee of $50.00 is included)
Scire Facias to Revive a Dormant Judgment $65.00
($10.00 filing + $50.00 service fee)
Complaint in Trover $105.00
(one service fee of $50.00 is included)
Garnishments $105.00
(one service fee of $50.00 is included)
Dispossessories $80.00
(one service fee of $25.00 is included)
Writ of Possession (to vacate property) $25.00
Foreclosure $105.00
(one service fee of $50.00 is included)
Writ of Possession (return of property) $25.00
(Judgment originated in this court)
(Judgment originated from a different court)
Abandoned Vehicle $44.00
(+$14.00 certified copy fees later)
Service Fee $50.00
Per Address
Certified/Exemplified Copies $2.50 for the first page
$0.50 per page after that
Regular Copies $0.50
Writ of Fieri Facias
(Fi Fa)
$4.00 (payableto Magistrate Court) &
$25.00 (payable to Clerk of Court)
Amended Fi Fa $4.00 (payableto Magistrate Court) &
$25.00 (payable to Clerk of Court)
Alias Fi Fa
(To replace a lost one)
$4.00 (payableto Magistrate Court) &
$25.00 (payable to Clerk of Court)
Re-Record Fi Fa $25.00* (payable to Clerk*)
Cancel a Fi Fa $25.00* (payable to Clerk*)
Nulla Bona Fee $25.00* (payable to Sheriff*)

Peition for Review | Contact the Clerk of Superior/State Court (229-225-4108)

*For funds not payable to Magistrate Court, please verify with that office the fee above is correct