Tax Assessors’ Office
The Thomas County Board of Assessors are responsible for the appraisal of all properties in Thomas County. Per Georgia Revenue Code section 48-5-7 all property shall be assessed at 40 percent of its fair market value and uniformity.
Contact Information
Historic Courthouse
225 North Broad Street, 1st Floor
Thomasville, Georgia 31792
Telephone (229) 225-4133
FAX (229) 225-4134
Record Search
A website has been developed for the public for searching property records by owner name, address, parcel number and legal information. The website also enables property owners to estimate taxes, read and learn about exemptions, download assessment related forms, search sales of properties in Thomas County and 'Notices to the Taxpayers.'
Various duties of the Assessment office are:
- the maintenance of property inventory
- exemption processing
- sales analysis and verification
- data collection of new construction
- tax mapping of properties
- personal property valuation of boats, airplanes, business inventory, equipment, furniture, and fixtures
The office is open to the public between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Board of Assessors meets on Tuesday & Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the Board Conference Room. For your convenience, the tentative agendas are posted online. The meeting dates are subject to change.
Agenda 03192025
Board Members
Scott Rich, Chairman
Mills Herndon, Member
Eddie Brown, Sr., Member
Our Staff
Travis Gibbs
Personal Property Appraiser III
Herman Davis
Real Property Appraiser II
Janice T. Parrillo
Real Property Appraiser I
Real Property Appraiser I
Board Secretary
Mapping Technician