Trade Name Registration
Please call for an appointment at 229-225-4108
General Information
Georgia law requires that every person, firm or partnership carrying on in this state any trade or business under any name which does not disclose the individual ownership of the trade, business or profession shall before commencing to do business, file a registration statement in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court and that notice of such filing shall be published in the legal organ of the county once a week for two weeks.
The law further provides that any person or entity subject to such law carrying on any trade or business with registration as required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be subject to other penalty or forfeiture O.C.G.A. 10-1-493.
FILING FEE: $175.00 as of July 1, 2024. We accept cash, money order, or business check payable to Thomas County Clerk of Superior Court. **No personal checks.
After recording in the Clerk’s Office, take the copy to the Thomasville Times Enterprise to be published.
The trade name registration form can be downloaded here.