Crime Prevention

The Sheriff’s Office Crime Prevention Unit is responsible for community programs, “Neighborhood Watch,” and all school programs. The Crime Prevention Unit consists of two sworn deputies whose primary duties are to administer the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program. D.A.R.E. is taught to all fifth grade students in the Thomas County School system and at Brookwood School. Each year the County D.A.R.E. Officers teach the program to approximately 450 students.

The D.A.R.E. Officers for Thomas County are also responsible for supervising the School Resource Officer program. Thomas County employs two School Resource Officers that are assigned to Thomas County Central High School and Thomas County Middle School. These deputies are responsible for safety and security in and around the Thomas County School System. The SRO at Thomas County Middle School teaches the Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) program to sixth grade students in Thomas County.

Our two D.A.R.E. Officers are Steven Jones and Lelia Spires. In 2005, Thomas County’s D.A.R.E. Officer Steven Jones was named the Georgia State D.A.R.E. Officer of the Year by the Georgia D.A.R.E. Officer Association.

Office Phone: (229) 225-3303